Vascular Health Screenings
Exams Offered Without Doctor's Referral
Screenings are not intended to take the place of a diagnostic ultrasound or any other tests or treatments that have been or may be recommended by your healthcare provider.

Stroke (Carotid Artery) Screening
No preparation needed. Carotid arteries take blood to the brain. A screening will check for plaque build up to help prevent a stroke from occurring. 75% of all strokes are a result of carotid artery disease.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Please avoid heavy meals prior to exam, regular medications can be taken. The aorta is a very large artery that comes right off the heart, continuing down into the abdomen, supplying blood to all major organs. If there are any weakened areas, there is a risk of rupture. Over 90% of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms are fatal. Screenings check for any bulging (aneurysm) throughout the aorta artery.

Peripheral Artery Screening (Of The Legs)
No preparation needed. Plaque build up in the legs can cause pain, numbness, cramps, and weakness. Screenings check for plaque build up in the leg arteries. If a person has a blockage in their legs, they most likely will have blockages in the arteries of their heart and arteries that lead to the brain (carotid arteries).
Choose All 3 Tests or Select an Individual Test
$100.00 - All 3 Screening Tests | $40.00 - Each Individual Screening Test
*Prices Subject to Change
Due to the elective nature, ultrasound screenings are generally not covered by insurance. Therefore, payment is due at time of service.